#HinduLivesMatter Condemns Islamic Terror Attack Against Amarnath Pilgrims, Calls for Worldwide Action

(A Campaign by the Global Hindu Action Network)
http://hindulivesmatter.org | pr@hindulivesmatter.org
51-E Sherwood Terrace, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 | +1 (713) 357-8216


#HinduLivesMatter Condemns Islamic Terror Attack Against Amarnath Pilgrims, Calls for Worldwide Action

Chicago, IL, USA – (July 11th, 2017) – #HinduLivesMatter global campaign condemned the dastardly attack against Hindu pilgrims in Jammu and Kashmir state, India, and called for worldwide protest vigils to raise awareness among Hindus. Amarnath Yatra, which is considered to be one of the holiest and oldest pilgrimages of India, came under attack from Islamic terrorists in Anantnag on July 10th, 2017. In a dastardly attack on the bus carrying the pilgrims from Gujarat, the barbaric terrorists killed 7 Shiv bhakts, 5 of them being women and injured another 14. This massacre took place on a Shravan Somvaar, which is considered a very auspicious day by Shiv bhakts.

Achalesh Amar, the Global Campaign Director of #HinduLivesMatter said: “Worldwide Hindu community is in shock and devastated after learning about this unadulterated act of Islamic terrorism. As we gather to offer our condolences to the families of fellow Hindus, we strongly urge the government of India to take stern action against the perpetrators of this heinous act and their supporters. Terrorism is a cancer and needs to be routed out. We have to let the handlers of the terrorist outfits in Pakistan know that enough is enough, and this war on terrorism has to be taken to its logical conclusion.”  

Shri Amar appealed to the Hindus worldwide: “Please let your Hindu sisters and brothers in India know that they are not alone in this hour of grief. Any attack on any Hindu worldwide
would not be tolerated anymore.”
The #HinduLivesMatter campaign’s appeal is being heard far and wide, and as a result several protest vigils are being conducted during this week.

Further Info:
Achalesh Amar
Global Campaign Director, #HinduLivesMatter
pr@hindulivesmatter.org | +1 (713) 357-8216 | hindulivesmatter.org

#HinduLivesMatter Welcomes Reza Aslan Firing, Points Out CNN’s Double Standard

(A Campaign by the Global Hindu Action Network)
http://hindulivesmatter.org | pr@hindulivesmatter.org
51-E Sherwood Terrace, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 | +1 (713) 357-8216


#HinduLivesMatter Welcomes Reza Aslam Firing, Points Out CNN’s Double Standard

Chicago, IL, USA – (June 10th, 2017) – The #HinduLivesMatter global campaign welcomed the firing of Reza Aslan by CNN, over an extremely profane tweet by Aslan on President Trump. Setting a new low in public discourse, Aslan had used a very derogatory term for the President of the United States, which cannot be mentioned in a public expression. However, the campaign is strongly chiding CNN’s hypocrisy in the matter, by pointing out that Reza Aslan had done much worse against Hindus and Hinduism by his ill-produced show, which nearly depicted Hindus as Cannibals. The campaign has always held that without having to explain the deep spiritual nuances of the Hindu spiritual system, showcasing the Aghoras in public expression is setting the stage for institutionalized hatred against Hindus, which then could lead to loss of Hindu lives, as was the case with Jews and Romas in Europe during WWII, or earlier with Native Americans in the US. In each of those cases, systematic contempt and hatred was planted in public mind, before their actual genocide took place.

Reactions to Aslan firing poured in from all over the world, from those who had organized and participated in protests three (3) months ago. Ripudaman Pachauri, Campaign Coordinator from St. Louis, MO said: “Disrespecting people’s religious faith in most obscene manner, along with insulting country’s democratically elected president publicly, had and should be taken seriously. I am proud that the Hindu community came forward and objected strongly in a most peaceful manner with me. The cry has been heard and registered. CNN’s unprecedented decision to drop Reza Aslan and his team will definitely give quantum of solace to those who were hurt by ‘Believer(s)’.”

Added Ganesh Ramakrishnan, who had played the key role in organizing the protest in New York city: “Finally Reza Aslan had a temporary rub in with Karma! The language he chose for POTUS is despicable despite self-projecting himself as a scholar! If one keenly observes he had a pattern to his attempt at denigration either through his Believer series or for President Trump. Also it brought up the subterfuge of his thoughts to the fore! The protests in NYC against Reza Aslan could easily cross few hundreds put together in few days as many were aware about this menace of a charlatan masquerading as a scholar!”

Balesh Singh Dhankar, the campaign’s Australia coordinator said: “Reza Aslan has been propagating his highly biased agenda camouflaged under the freedom of press. He has deliberately misrepresented Hinduism via a very narrow viewpoint for the purpose of bashing of Hinduism and satisfying his Islamic agenda. The recent episode of his use of profane language against the US president and his firing from CNN has once again underscored his highly biased views and lack of respect for others’ culture and views. This firing is very late and very little from CNN, with a sole objective of protecting their brand. We would have appreciated if CNN took this step long ago.”

Kiran Gosavi from Nigeria sent his reaction that said: “We strongly condemned the statement of Reza Aslan and held protest march to urge CNN remove Reza Aslan from their organizations as we feel that the taking public discourse to its lowest level and abusing his right to dissent and freedom of speech this man is not worthy to be part of a public media entity . We are happy our stand is vindicated and thank CNN for firing Reza Aslan later if not sooner and reinstating honours of American President and America without which Reza Aslan is what he called Mr. President. We Reassert that expat Indian community in any country of the world consider that country as their motherland its people as family. We love respect guard all national entities of that countries as much as its natural citizens.”

Quipped Dr. Priyoneel Basu from Varanasi, “Reza Aslan’s documentary on Varanasi was an insult and affront to the spiritual capital of India. Its gross inaccuracies and deliberate negative portrayal of my ancient, vibrant city sparked protests all over the world. CNN purports to be a news channel, and I was aghast at the lack of basic research, unprofessional journalism, and misinformation they promoted on TV and social media. I am happy to know that the series has been discontinued. Perhaps a real scholar can step up and showcase the spiritual understanding behind the myriad rituals followed in Indian culture.”

Parikshat Sharma, who had galvanized the Hindus of Atlanta to protest in front of CNN headquarters said: “I feel that I couldn’t achieve what potus supporters did. Reza’s show should have been cancelled before Mar 6th, when the show aired. Also feel weird why Hindus are celebrating as if it’s a Hindu achievement. Hindus couldn’t even get a statement condemning their episode on Hindu from CNN.”
Somanjana Chatterjee from San Jose said, “Hate, discrimination, misinterpretations of our faiths, biased media reporting are some of the challenges we face today as community. We have been trying incessantly to bring equality and unity in CA public school classrooms. I fear, this type of sensationalized TV shows degenerating faith-followers will incite more hatred in the future!”

Raghuveer Reddy Chintalapally from Houston quipped “Mere firing of Reza Aslan by CNN is not enough; CNN has to apologize to 1 billion Hindus publicly and commit to not to air this kind of bigoted and twisted shows on its network in future, until then the campaign against CNN and Reza Aslan will go on. “

Achalesh Amar, the Global Director of #HinduLivesMatter summed up the sentiments of a billion+ Hindu community: “CNN’s crass double standards were at naked display in how it dealt with a ‘lesser’ offense against the US President, compared to its attitude against a faith-spiritual system that has more than a billion practitioners worldwide.” He added, “The campaign against both CNN and Reza Aslan shall go on, in a shape and form that we choose. The Hindus cannot let go of this issue because their survival in a hostile world is at stake.” He also said: “Hindus must unite and speak with one voice in matters of sheer survival, and where Hindu lives were stake.” Amar concluded his statement by saying “if we are not able to hang together, each of us shall be hanged separately, thanks to the hate-laced media adventurism by likes of Aslan, patronized by CNN.”

Picture: Leaders of the #HinduLivesMatter Movement (L to R / T to B): Achalesh Amar, Kiran Gosavi, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Parikshat Sharma, Rajesh Gooty, Raghuveer Reddy, Somanjana Chatterjee, Ripudaman Pachauri

Further Info:
Achalesh Amar
Global Campaign Director, #HinduLivesMatter
pr@hindulivesmatter.org | +1 (713) 357-8216 | hindulivesmatter.org

#HinduLivesMatter Campaign Galvanizes the world against CNN’s Denigrating Portrayal of Hinduism

(A Worldwide Movement by the Global Hindu Action Network)
http://hindulivesmatter.org | 51-E Sherwood Terrace, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
pr@hindulivesmatter.org | +1 (713) 357-8216




#HinduLivesMatter Campaign Galvanizes the world against CNN’s Denigrating Portrayal of Hinduism

Chicago, IL, USA – (March 15th, 2017) – Protests erupted against CNN in major cities across the Unites States and in other parts of the world, for its derogatory portrayal of Hinduism in its first episode of the series ‘Believer’ that aired on Sunday, March 5th. In the episode, the narrator and host Reza Aslan, a Muslim, known for his anti-Christian stance, indulges in the worst form of Hinduphobia by denigrating a miniscule collective of Hindu spiritual practitioners called “the Aghoris”, who are known for their unique spiritual practices. In the show, Reza mocks the spiritual practices of the Aghoris as exotica, without explaining the general philosophical basis of Hindu spirituality, and the derivative freedom that Hinduism provides its practitioners, to pursue the unique Spiritual Knowledge that is embedded in the kernel of Hinduism, and in a matter, that suits the individual. Without explaining this essential background, Reza’s portrayal of Hinduism would be perceived as a cannibalistic cult. This would have been a hint for mainstream America to look at Hinduism as barbaric, and worthy of elimination from the USA.


CNN almost got away with its denigrating portrayal since, earlier, it had pre-screened the show for select office-bearers of the Hindu American Foundation (HAF). The HAF found no issues with the show during the pre-screening and issued an advisory for people to watch the program and make comments on it.


The Petition that went viral

CNN was emboldened to air the show as it met with no resistance at the pre-screening or right. Little did CNN know that an avalanche of popular upsurge of Hindus worldwide was waiting to vent their frustration and anger at the abject ignorance and the audacity of the Hinduphobes.

The Hindu Mahasabha of America (HMSA), started a petition, barely few days before the broadcast attracting more than 15,000 signatures right before the show. HMSA’s petition lent voice to the angst of Hindus and was the catalyst in drawing widespread support with over 20,000 signatories till date and still counting https://www.change.org/p/stop-reza-aslan-s-hateful-show-against-hinduism?

Inspired by the petition, Global Hindu Action Network (GHAN), a collective of Hindu activists worldwide, immediately swung into action, right before the show and subsequently launched a campaign titled #HinduLivesMatter.  Emails, phone calls and Whatsapp messages started pouring in from all corners of the globe. This massive upsurge in Hindu sentiments against CNN quickly worked its way up the leadership hierarchies of many Hindu organizations throughout the length and breadth of the USA. The Hindu community leaders, to respond to the angst and concern of their respective constituencies, caused by the intense bottom-up mobilization of the Hindus by the Network, had no other choice but to send a strong message to CNN, that such kind of behavior is and was not acceptable. They quickly helped organized protests in several cities. The protests were also held as far as in Nigeria.

Saturday, March 11th from 3 pm to 5 pm was the time chosen for multiple cities to organize these protests and various groups started mobilizing the people for these events.  A centralized #HinduLivesMatter campaign team started coordinating with all the organizations. HMSA (Hindu Mahasabha of America), VHPA (Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America), AHAD (American Hindus Against Defamation), USHA (US Hindu Alliance), Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), Hindu Students Council, Samskrit Bharati, Hindu Mandir Executive Conference (HMEC), Global Indians for Bharat Vikas (GIBV), OFBJP, Coalition Against Hinduphobia, Om Kriya Yog, Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, GHHF , Gayatri Chetna Center, Bharat Sewashram Sangha, Infinity Foundation  and many other groups started pitching in with ideas and resources to make these events successful.

Protests, pictures, and quotes below from various locations


Courtesy: Gokul Kunnath President, US Hindu Alliance and Co Founder, Hindu Students Council.

Gokul Kunnath said “more than 135 members of the Hindu community from Metro Atlanta gathered at the HQ of CNN International in downtown Atlanta to protest against CNN. More than two dozen community organizations joined hands together to express their contempt for CNN’s action and called for swift responses to the grievances of Hindus around the world. Large number of onlookers and pedestrians stopped by to understand the reason for the protest. One CNN employee even put the flyer that was distributed by the Hindus on her Facebook page, further establishing the fact that given an opportunity to air their free thoughts, even CNN’s own employees would find the company’s behavior totally bizarre. Atlanta Hindus were surprised at why a globally known news organization that once had the largest share of the news market would lower their journalistic standards to that of common tabloids found in supermarkets.”


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New York:

Courtesy: Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Convener, Tristate Hindus

Ganesh Ramakrishnan stated “braving the cold weather at NYC opp to CNN office over 100+ Hindus assembled to peacefully protest again CNN’s Believers show. It consisted of over 25+ organizations showing placards and distributing flyers to many curious People who stood took photos/videos, planning to write blogs and joined to shout slogans! From senior citizens to Hindu students from different walks of life gathered to showcase the lopsided Believers show! This is just a start!”


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Achalesh Amar, Campaign Director #HinduLivesMatter

Achalesh Amar said “Houston #HinduLivesMatter campaign event saw many Hindu organizations coming together for this most important issue faced by the Hindu community in USA. Despite inclement weather, over 50 persons gathered at Sugar Land Town square to condemn CNN for inciting #Hinduphobia. “

#HinduLivesMatter campaign activists asked for CNN to be shut down for fanning racism. They deplored how CNN turned from peddling “Fake news” to “Hate news”.


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Washington, D.C. Area (Virginia):

Courtesy: Rajesh Gooty, Founder, India Cause.

Rajesh Gooty stated “In bone chilling cold, a spontaneous demonstration, spurred by conscientious Hindu Americans in Washington D.C. rallied together at a popular Hindu temple to express their strong disapproval of this highly offensive & deeply disturbing portrayal of over one billion practicing Hindus by #CNN on their global media network. Their energized clarion call demanded an unconditional apology & total withdrawal of this deeply racist, totally insensitive & horrendous show, inappropriately called “Believer”, falling which further action plan will be chartered to advance the end game.”


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Bay Area Protest #1:

Courtesy: Somanjana Chatterjee, Bay Area Hindus

Somanjana Chatterjee stated that “It was incredible to see the support in the community when we talked about hate crimes towards Indian American community (and other communities) in the light of Kansas shooting and CNN airing misrepresented documentary of Hinduism (Believer) — today’s gathering gave me faith that we might have come in different boats to this country but we are all in it together now! “


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Bay Area Protest #2:

Courtesy: Mani Keeran, Coalition Against Hinduphobia

Mani Keeran stated that “at a time when several incidents of hate crimes and racial slurs have been reported across the country against Indians and Hindus, it is sad that CNN has allowed Hinduphobia to be perpetuated through this show.”



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Courtesy: Kiran Parab, Vice President OFBJP Nigeria and Nigeria National President for International Anti-Terrorism Movement

Kiran Parab said that “with great pain and disgust we request the highest authorities in India to take action against the channel CNN and producer Reza Aslan for defaming Hindu way of life. We condemn their act and call upon Indian govt to register a case against them and bring them to book.”


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Community Leaders and Intellectuals:

Popular Indian-American author Rajiv Malhotra and Hindu Students Council, an organization of Hindu students on college campuses, did a facebook live event on Thursday, March 9th to talk at length about the issue involved (ref:  https://www.facebook.com/RajivMalhotra.Official/videos/801624583324214/ ).

Dr Vamsee Juluri, an Indian American professor of Media studies at the University of San Francisco called the show “reckless, racist and dangerously Anti-immigrant.” Pointing out several inaccuracies, mistranslations and mis-characterizations in the show he said “It is one saddening reality that despite having had immigrants in America for so many decades now, a major news channel like CNN still cannot do better than the old Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom sort of story when it comes to India.”

Ash Kalra, the first Hindu member of California Assembly who joined the protests at Milpitas said “The hate crimes against different communities including the Hindu-American community are based on ignorance and what CNN showed would only accentuate these crimes.” He said “the media had the responsibility of educating people about all communities and not spread ignorance.”

Ajay Shah, convener of AHAD said “Aslan has caused serious harm to Hindu community and put the safety of Hindu children in schools across the US in jeopardy. CNN has failed to hold itself to higher standards. Despite being alerted about the offensive content, CNN proceeded to air the show without consultation with practicing Hindu experts,”

Representative Tulsi Gabbard shared this on Facebook and twitter:
While good people across our country are working hard to increase mutual understanding and respect between people of different religions, I am very disturbed that CNN is using its power and influence to increase people’s misunderstanding and fear of Hinduism.
CNN on Sunday aired the first episode of a new series called “Believer” hosted by Reza Aslan. For this episode, Aslan apparently sought to find sensationalist and absurd ways to portray Hinduism. Aslan and CNN did not just throw a harsh light on a sect of wandering ascetics to create shocking visuals—as if touring a zoo—but repeated false stereotypes about caste, karma and reincarnation that Hindus have been combating tirelessly. CNN promotional materials and trailers that included a scene showing a group of Hindus under a caption, “CANNIBALS,” perpetuated bizarre and ugly impressions of Hindus and their religion.
CNN knows well that sensational, and even false reporting about religions only fosters ignorance that can lead to terrible consequences. Indeed, Hindus are still reeling after witnessing terrible hate crimes in the last few weeks alone. Our nation celebrates religious pluralism and diversity, and CNN must do more to foster greater respect for people of different religions.
It is my sincere hope that CNN and Aslan will engage with the Hindu community moving forward to resolve the pain and outrage that the “Believer” episode on Hinduism has engendered in the community.


Links to some snippets/videos from various events:

Houston: https://www.facebook.com/pramod.buravalli/videos/10212931113691627/

New York:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnB17zFdsjs

Atlanta: https://www.facebook.com/aryavishrut/videos/10155050874408255/

Bay Area: https://www.facebook.com/HinduYuvaUSA/videos/1475964152427334/


The following protests are in pipeline– Boston, Dallas, Detroit, Phoenix, and Chicago in the USA; Calcutta, Delhi and Varanasi, India; London, UK; Paris France; Sydney, Australia; and Toronto, Canada.


Achalesh Amar
Campaign Director, #HinduLivesMatter
pr@hindulivesmatter.org | +1 (713) 357-8216 | hindulivesmatter.org