#HinduLivesMatter Welcomes Reza Aslan Firing, Points Out CNN’s Double Standard

(A Campaign by the Global Hindu Action Network)
http://hindulivesmatter.org | pr@hindulivesmatter.org
51-E Sherwood Terrace, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 | +1 (713) 357-8216


#HinduLivesMatter Welcomes Reza Aslam Firing, Points Out CNN’s Double Standard

Chicago, IL, USA – (June 10th, 2017) – The #HinduLivesMatter global campaign welcomed the firing of Reza Aslan by CNN, over an extremely profane tweet by Aslan on President Trump. Setting a new low in public discourse, Aslan had used a very derogatory term for the President of the United States, which cannot be mentioned in a public expression. However, the campaign is strongly chiding CNN’s hypocrisy in the matter, by pointing out that Reza Aslan had done much worse against Hindus and Hinduism by his ill-produced show, which nearly depicted Hindus as Cannibals. The campaign has always held that without having to explain the deep spiritual nuances of the Hindu spiritual system, showcasing the Aghoras in public expression is setting the stage for institutionalized hatred against Hindus, which then could lead to loss of Hindu lives, as was the case with Jews and Romas in Europe during WWII, or earlier with Native Americans in the US. In each of those cases, systematic contempt and hatred was planted in public mind, before their actual genocide took place.

Reactions to Aslan firing poured in from all over the world, from those who had organized and participated in protests three (3) months ago. Ripudaman Pachauri, Campaign Coordinator from St. Louis, MO said: “Disrespecting people’s religious faith in most obscene manner, along with insulting country’s democratically elected president publicly, had and should be taken seriously. I am proud that the Hindu community came forward and objected strongly in a most peaceful manner with me. The cry has been heard and registered. CNN’s unprecedented decision to drop Reza Aslan and his team will definitely give quantum of solace to those who were hurt by ‘Believer(s)’.”

Added Ganesh Ramakrishnan, who had played the key role in organizing the protest in New York city: “Finally Reza Aslan had a temporary rub in with Karma! The language he chose for POTUS is despicable despite self-projecting himself as a scholar! If one keenly observes he had a pattern to his attempt at denigration either through his Believer series or for President Trump. Also it brought up the subterfuge of his thoughts to the fore! The protests in NYC against Reza Aslan could easily cross few hundreds put together in few days as many were aware about this menace of a charlatan masquerading as a scholar!”

Balesh Singh Dhankar, the campaign’s Australia coordinator said: “Reza Aslan has been propagating his highly biased agenda camouflaged under the freedom of press. He has deliberately misrepresented Hinduism via a very narrow viewpoint for the purpose of bashing of Hinduism and satisfying his Islamic agenda. The recent episode of his use of profane language against the US president and his firing from CNN has once again underscored his highly biased views and lack of respect for others’ culture and views. This firing is very late and very little from CNN, with a sole objective of protecting their brand. We would have appreciated if CNN took this step long ago.”

Kiran Gosavi from Nigeria sent his reaction that said: “We strongly condemned the statement of Reza Aslan and held protest march to urge CNN remove Reza Aslan from their organizations as we feel that the taking public discourse to its lowest level and abusing his right to dissent and freedom of speech this man is not worthy to be part of a public media entity . We are happy our stand is vindicated and thank CNN for firing Reza Aslan later if not sooner and reinstating honours of American President and America without which Reza Aslan is what he called Mr. President. We Reassert that expat Indian community in any country of the world consider that country as their motherland its people as family. We love respect guard all national entities of that countries as much as its natural citizens.”

Quipped Dr. Priyoneel Basu from Varanasi, “Reza Aslan’s documentary on Varanasi was an insult and affront to the spiritual capital of India. Its gross inaccuracies and deliberate negative portrayal of my ancient, vibrant city sparked protests all over the world. CNN purports to be a news channel, and I was aghast at the lack of basic research, unprofessional journalism, and misinformation they promoted on TV and social media. I am happy to know that the series has been discontinued. Perhaps a real scholar can step up and showcase the spiritual understanding behind the myriad rituals followed in Indian culture.”

Parikshat Sharma, who had galvanized the Hindus of Atlanta to protest in front of CNN headquarters said: “I feel that I couldn’t achieve what potus supporters did. Reza’s show should have been cancelled before Mar 6th, when the show aired. Also feel weird why Hindus are celebrating as if it’s a Hindu achievement. Hindus couldn’t even get a statement condemning their episode on Hindu from CNN.”
Somanjana Chatterjee from San Jose said, “Hate, discrimination, misinterpretations of our faiths, biased media reporting are some of the challenges we face today as community. We have been trying incessantly to bring equality and unity in CA public school classrooms. I fear, this type of sensationalized TV shows degenerating faith-followers will incite more hatred in the future!”

Raghuveer Reddy Chintalapally from Houston quipped “Mere firing of Reza Aslan by CNN is not enough; CNN has to apologize to 1 billion Hindus publicly and commit to not to air this kind of bigoted and twisted shows on its network in future, until then the campaign against CNN and Reza Aslan will go on. “

Achalesh Amar, the Global Director of #HinduLivesMatter summed up the sentiments of a billion+ Hindu community: “CNN’s crass double standards were at naked display in how it dealt with a ‘lesser’ offense against the US President, compared to its attitude against a faith-spiritual system that has more than a billion practitioners worldwide.” He added, “The campaign against both CNN and Reza Aslan shall go on, in a shape and form that we choose. The Hindus cannot let go of this issue because their survival in a hostile world is at stake.” He also said: “Hindus must unite and speak with one voice in matters of sheer survival, and where Hindu lives were stake.” Amar concluded his statement by saying “if we are not able to hang together, each of us shall be hanged separately, thanks to the hate-laced media adventurism by likes of Aslan, patronized by CNN.”

Picture: Leaders of the #HinduLivesMatter Movement (L to R / T to B): Achalesh Amar, Kiran Gosavi, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Parikshat Sharma, Rajesh Gooty, Raghuveer Reddy, Somanjana Chatterjee, Ripudaman Pachauri

Further Info:
Achalesh Amar
Global Campaign Director, #HinduLivesMatter
pr@hindulivesmatter.org | +1 (713) 357-8216 | hindulivesmatter.org